Sunday In Kisii
To the bush.
The road from Kisumu to Kisii is in perpetual construction. I have made this trip for years now. It never gets better. I am going to start shopping for clothes in Kenyan red dust colors. Might as well…that is the color you will be wearing by the time you reach Kisii.
I love early mornings. The duck hunter in me never flinches at a 4:30 A.M. alarm. Watching the sunrise over the mountains as we climb from Lake Victoria to the Kisii region is the only adequate fanfare a day like today could possibly have. Let’s just say that this morning’s ministry in Kenya was “rare air” indeed. We arrived the Kisii city church (Pastor Daniel) just in time for me to close his early Bible study (impromptu of course). After taking the teaching baton from Daniel and finishing the Bible study, we jumped in the car and headed to the bush.
Daniel has the “hound of Heaven’s” nose for finding locations for new rural church planting sites. I’m really not surprised. The first three years of Daniel’s ministry here in Kisii were spent exclusively in prayer as he walked the streets and pathways of this region. He simply asked God to show he where to work and to give him favor in His work. God has answered Daniel’s prayer. He serves as our regional overseer and leads our ministry in rural church plants. Daniel’s heart is good for me. He hates the platform. He would rather pray than preach. He always advocates for support for his rural pastors. Basically, Daniel is everything I am not. A weekend in the bush with Daniel always refocuses the Great Commission for me.
Set up.
When you are the guest preacher in Kenya you are immediately escorted to the padded chairs, ornately covered with handmade doilies, at the foot of the platform. Cold bottled water or Cocacolas are delivered to your seat. In other words, your day begins by being humbled by the extravagant hospitality of the povertystricken church members. I have learned to say thank you, enjoy my refreshments and beg God to preach through me to these people the way they need and deserve.
I love the offering time in Kenya. The church members are called forward to bring their tithes and offerings and drop them in the basket on the platform. I always wait for the poor widows to make their way to the front. They are not hard to spot.
This morning, the “widow’s mite” had a story attached to it. This church has been trying to purchase the plot of land across the dirt road from their currently rented plot. The landlord keeps raising the rent and causing great stress for the church. The pastor told me that the plot cost $2,700. What came next was a shock. His church had given $1,000 of the needed $2,700 over the past two years. But, they were at the end of their offer deadline. The remaining $1,700 needed to paid in days or they would lose their $1,000 investment and the land would be sold to another buyer. Then, he pointed out the elderly widow who had just dropped her offering in the basket. The pastor told me she was the first to bring an offering to purchase the plot. He said she had lived in the village all her life and had prayed that God would send a pastor to build a church.
I’m pretty sure you can finish this writing for me?!
After church I was escorted across the road to see the pit being dug for the outdoor toilets. As I visited with Daniel, the pastor and his elders, I realized there were “eyes on us.” The church
members had followed us across the road but had stopped about fifty yards away in a grove of small shade trees. They were hoping (praying?) that God’s delivery boy had showed up. Because of you
and your generosity…he had showed up indeed.
I walked over to the members and explained to them that buying the land was just the beginning. A building had to be built. There would be great expense and no small amount of work needed. I want
on to tell them that we were not interested in being in the real estate business…we want to partner with faithful men and women who are called to join God in His work of building His church. I
challenged them to pray, seek God and send the message to me tomorrow….are you willing to sacrifice to build if God provides the land? I expect the pastor to arrive at tomorrow’s conference in Kisii with the report….we are willing.
Well…so am I!….Make that…”WE”.
I love preaching and teaching the word of God. But mornings like this morning, when I get to be God’s delivery boy are some of my favorite moments.
Four new souls were added to the Kingdom this morning. There was open repentance by wayward church members as the red Kenyan dust was stirred by bent knees in the altar.
I wish you could have been here to see it. Thanks for sending me. Tell this story to someone this morning. It is worth repeating and God deserves the glory.
Your partnership is the foundation from which we spring.
Your prayers = our fuel.
By grace, your brother,
Mike Curry
President/Founder Light Ministires, Inc. Eph. 6:19-20