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Home sweet Home September 03, 2024

God is the best tour guide!

Home safe without a single travel hitch! Unless you fly a lot these days, you really can’t appreciate what a “God-statement” that is. We pushed back form the gate 30 minutes late in Paris this morning.  That could have/should have made me miss my last flight leg from Atlanta to Little Rock.  Clearing customs and rechecking bags in Atlanta. can be a night mare.  Believe me when I say there was not one single person in line when I turned the corner for...

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Every stop we celebrate new disciples trained. At our leadership dinner Saturday night I found out that today was graduation day at Joy Celebration Center. Agnes wanted to surprise me. She said shecould not think of a better surprise for me than to present 25 newly trained disciples. I couldn’t agree more! Agnes and her late husband Pastor Peter, got the discipleship model right off the bat. As soon asGod relocated them to Kisumu from Eldoret, they got busy about the business of planting...

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Kenya August 30, 2024


The graduation parade today was a first for me in Kenya. I marched in a parade in Kenya today.As I typed that sentence, I heard Meryl Streep’s voice in the opening line from Out of Africa….”I had a farm in Africa…” I have marched in many parades. But none, that can compare to today. Many of you don’t know I was a musician in my previous life. Band was my life from grade schoolthrough college. I went to college as a music performance major. I would guess I have marched in 15or more parades...

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Kakamega is the Kenya town where everything began for me. Jeff Moser (The East Africa Project) tells everyone it is my fault that he is here in Kenya. Jeff’s family connected to me and our Kenyan ministry when his daughter joined me on our very first mission team in Kenya. Katie, Jeff’s daughter, is the “poster-child” for why we bring teams to Kenya. She went home a full-fledged ambassador for the work God is doing in East Africa. So much so, that her family have made multiple trips to Kenya,...

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Kenya August 27, 2024


Kakamega is the Kenya town where everything began for me. Jeff Moser (The East Africa Project) tells everyone it is my fault that he is here in Kenya. Jeff’s family connected to me and our Kenyan ministry when his daughter joined me on our very first mission team in Kenya. Katie, Jeff’s daughter, is the “poster-child” for why we bring teams to Kenya. She went home a full-fledged ambassador for the work God is doing in East Africa. So much so, that her family have made multiple trips to Kenya,...

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Kenya August 26, 2024


With Mt. Elgon ministry, getting there is the most fun. O,K. To all of my fellow hymn lovers, I apologize. I couldn’t resist. I hate it when people mess with the perfect lyrics of great hymns, and now I havedone it. I “pirated” the headline from the great old hymn, He Leads Us Along (G.A. Young, 1903). The hymn actually says, Some through the waters, Some through the flood, Some through the fire, but all throughthe blood… The word mud never appears in the lyrics of the hymn. But, I found...

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Kenya August 25, 2024


Praise the Lord rings out in church in the native language of 7 tribes. How does God top giving the gift of salvation to over 20 souls on a Sunday morning? By calling out new missionaries from within the slum to reach the toughest and fastest growing people group in the town of Kitale. As the invitation closed, the new believers had been prayed over and escorted to meet with pastorsand counselors for immediate follow-up and Bible distribution, Pastor Richard took the podium onelast time. He...

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Kenya August 23, 2024

Make Believe

Faith = believing that a thing is, while it is not, so that it can be. I can tell I am finally maturing in my faith walk with God. For so long I only saw him in the big things—people coming to Christ, pastors being trained, buildings being built. Those things still stir my heart. But today, as I hosted some first time American visitors at the Miracle in Mathare, it was the simplicity of a few minutes of “make believe” that felt like God brushed by. All kids love make believe. Wait a minute,...

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Musicians in Kenya

To the work!

I warmed by a fire in the Mathare slum today in Kenya.  My body wasn’t cold.  In fact, the low 70 degree temps were a welcome change from the blast furnace called August in Arkansas.  But, my heart did need some warming.  It’s toasty now.  Come join me.  You know you can’t resist a good fire.Two of the four teams have arrived safely in Kenya and joined me for our first day in the field today.As is true so many ministry days in Kenya, today had too...

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Kenya summer 2024

Wheels up to Kenya.

Time to get your knee pads on.  I’m headed back to Kenya! If Delta and Air France do their part, I will push back from the gate in Little Rock today at noon.  25 1/2 hours later, I am scheduled to land in . If you don’t take praying for safe travel seriously, that probably means you don’t travel a lot.  If it can happen during travel, I have probably had it happen to me over the years and miles.  This trip, I need you to pray this way please: On-time flights and connections....

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