Always check the gauges!
Country boy rules: never turn the switch to on until you check the dipstick and the water level. Then, when she starts… check those gauges!
Tuesday, February 120, 2024—Home, Hot Springs National Park, AR
Every piece of equipment at our hunting property has one thing in common: it is either worn out or well on its way to being worn out. That’s why I have a hard/fast rule: don’t start any piece of equipment until you check the fluid levels and then the gauges! Well, Teresa and I are getting ready to put the key in the car and head to the airport. So…it’s time to check the vital signs. It’s not the vehicle that I am talking about this morning. It is fine. God has blessed us with great vehicles to get us from point A to point B. It’s the levels of our hearts that have to be checked. The levels of readiness of mind, spirit, will and emotions that must all be touching the full mark on the dipstick.
It will be 30 hours before our head touches the pillow in Nairobi. This will be Teresa’s first international trip in over ten years. You don’t just jump in these 70 year old bodies, crank the engine and drop them into gear. I have spent more time in preparation for this trip than any I can remember. I have lost track of the number of “moving parts” in the multiple schedules for the multiple U.S. and African teams joining us on this Godadventure.
But to quote the old “prince of preachers” Dr. W.A. Criswell: “All that human hands can do, we have done.” The bags are full. The checking account is as full as it needs to be. The Kenya notebook that contains all of our airline and hotel reservations is training the well-worn keeper clasps. The email file marked Kenya—February ’24 is overflowing. And my and Teresa’s hearts..are full to the brim. The first leg of our flight(s) to Kenya leaves Little Rock at 1 P.M. today.
So now it is time for you to join us as we join the Father in His work in East Africa. Begin to pray…NOW. On-time flights. Baggage loaded. Sleep on long transatlantic legs of the flight. Agreeable food. Pleasant and professional travel assistants along the way. And endurance for both Teresa and me. The travel to Kenya is by far the hardest part of the mission. It is a literal endurance test for body and mind. I tend to get more than a little stir crazy on flight legs over eight hours. We have two of those awaiting us in the next 30 hours.
There is something missing on this trip that I do not miss at all. There is no dread. The familiar gnawing in the pit of my stomach is not there. Because, I don’t have to say goodbye to Teresa. I have no greater joy than that of shared ministry with my Mississippi queen.” I anticipate God doing great and wonderful things through the teams as they minister to our Kenyan partners. I expect Him to fill my mouth as He has filled my heart with His Words to preach. I anticipate His power as I do every time I stand to preach. For I am powerless without Him. But, my greatest anticipation is the sparkle in Teresa’s eyes and the corresponding sparkle in her African sister’s eyes as they see each other face-to-face after this ten year hiatus. I imagine Teresa’s tear ducts will have the dry heaves by the time she gets back home. I’ll keep you updated on the reunions.
The Germantown Baptist team (Memphis) will be following behind us in a few days. We need the same prayers for them that I asked of you for us. Jeff Moser (Memphis friend/partner) will be leading his teams simultaneously while we are in Kenya. We actually get to spend a night in the same guest house in Kitale (Pastor Richard & Hellen). Just a little icing on the cake God has baked for this trip. I’ll write again when we get in our hotel in Nairobi. It will be a couple of days from now. As we go to
bed you will be getting up (we are 9 hours ahead of CST). Keep your eye on the gauges. They tend to move a bit during the journey. And the fuel? Well, it constantly needs refilling. I never have been accused of conserving fuel on these trips. Why should
I? It’s God’s trip. And, He has plenty!
Your prayers = My fuel.
By, grace, your brother,
Mike Curry
Eph. 6:19-20