The journey home begins tonight (African time).
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 – Someplace we really can’t afford
Karen, Kenya Neither of us knew how desperately we needed this trip. The ministry time together breathed new life into this ministry couple. We were beaten down and beaten up by the past several years of Teresa’s illness and her subsequent inability to join me on the ministry field. We are better
together. Always have been. I pray, we always will be.
Since we arrived in Karen, Kenya Monday there has been no official ministry events on our schedule. We have ministered to each other. And, the occasional Gospel conversation with hotel staff and tour guides.
The phones have been switched off except to check for emergency issues.
I have not studied anything but Teresa.
I have not written anything but an occasional note to lay on her pillow.
We have eaten rich food that is probably bad for you. It sure seemed good going down. Long cups of African tea and bold Kenyan coffee. Walks in the lush gardens of the grounds of our hotel. We can’t afford to stay here. Or maybe…we couldn’t afford not to?
One of my mentors told me if you don’t come apart…you will come apart.
This jubilee idea God gave me is just what the doctor ordered. On the flight home tonight, I am going to start looking for the next getaway for Teresa and me as we celebrate this Jubilee of marriage. Our son, Jason, preaches a benchmark sermon entitled “Finish Empty.”I’m not sure he intended us to take his preaching quite so literally. I sensed a bit of concern from the kids as we sent picture after picture of our “holiday in Kenya.” What little inheritance there was is evaporating into the equatorial sunshine. We only need enough to get us to the finish line anyway.
We simply cannot discount the miraculous gift God has given us on this trip. The ministry time was and always is a grace-gift from God. But, Teresa has not had one Rheumatoid Arthritis flare up since leaving for Kenya. Stress, physical exertion, and lack of sleep usually bring those on. There has been ample opportunity for all of the above conditions to trigger her illness. But, absolutely nothing apart from the wonderful tired that allows you to fall into the bed knowing your day has been filled with God and each other.
Dozens have prayed for Teresa and me and this trip. You need to know and believe that God answers prayer!
Our time in Kenya will end this evening with Jeff and Susan Moser. This couple have become so much more than just ministry partners over the years. God has used them to free us up to focus on the tasks God put on our ministry plate in Kenya—training pastors/evangelists/church planters. Jeff’s ministry has provided “tent-making” opportunities to so many of our pastors. Their lives and families have changed with the opportunities to build small businesses to supplement the partial salary support Light Ministries provides them. Widows have found meaning and opportunity in life. Industry and enterprise is cropping up in every ministry we touch here in Kenya because of Jeff and Susan and their team.
Tonight we will enjoy a great dinner together. Teresa and I will leave for the airport and the trip home. Jeff and Susan will await the arrival of their 2nd team from Bellevue Baptist (Memphis).
Not only has God multiplied the laborers on the Kenyan side of God’s Kingdom, but He has multiple my time and abilities through Jeff and Susan and the multiple U.S. churches who partner with us.
I am coming home with a longer ministry list than I left with. And, I am coming home with lighter pockets than I left with. That is exactly as it should be. God has plenty more to finance His ministries world-wide. And, I need the challenge of new vision and dreams for the work here in Kenya.
Thanks for sending Teresa and me on this “Safari of the Soul.” Our souls are refreshed, our bodies renewed, our minds cleared, and our resolve reaffirmed.
Your prayers = our fuel.
By, grace, your brother, Mike Curry
Eph. 6:19-20